
Showing posts from March, 2019
GREEN TEA: A FAST SELLING PRODUCT IN AFRICA Respect for the Aged is pleased to bring to your notice the availability of Africa's bestselling tea in stock now. Applications are invited from interested destributors of RFA's green tea all over Nigeria. We are not able to cover Africa for now due to mobility. To get green tea for your household, aged ones, business clients, friends etc., kindly contact RFA today on Email: (CEO) Phone: 08085348416 Facebook: Instagram: masterabu3 Best regards from RFA!
17 HEALTH BENEFITS OF GREEN TEA People have been drinking infusions of tea for thousands of years, beginning in China and India. Today, tea is consumed more widely than any other beverage in the world except water. Billions of people drink tea, and a large number of studies show tea to have many health benefits. There are three main varieties of tea: green, black, and oolong. All three varieties are made from the leaves of the same species of plant called Camellia sinensis; the difference is in how the tea leaves are processed. Green tea is made from unfermented leaves, while oolong tea is made from partially fermented leaves and black tea is fully fermented. Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages you can consume. It’s sugar free, doesn’t have any calories, and is loaded with antioxidants that provide copious health benefits. Plus, it’s refreshing. What’s not to like? Active Ingredients Green tea contains a number of bioactive compounds including caffeine and ot
GROWTH AS A NECESSITY Growing from an infant into an adult is inevitable so long as death doesn't cut one short. Now, death, this is one hammer virtually everyone is afraid of its hit. But sages have said it and it is true: The fear of death is worse than death itself. For life to continue, it means that death has not stroke. But it is one thing to be alive and another thing altogether to be healthy. As birth and death are certain but not determined by the individual, everyone is saddled with the responsibility of making their lifetime as pleasurable as one can. However, as people grow older, they turn out to become dependent again like when they started as babies. This is why the aged need not only respect but care also. Caring for the aged can't be as mundane a task as you would expect, when you have keyed into the right information channel as this page. You will discover awesome products that can help you show the respect you have for the aged around you by